Parent or student/parent consultations are available for 8th graders through rising juniors on course selection, summer programs, selecting activities, opportunities for leadership and volunteering, goal setting, merit aid vs. financial aid, the realities of being recruited as a collegiate athlete, starting your college list, or anything else on your mind. Includes a transcript and GPA review and discounts for follow-up consultations. Includes prep and a 1.5-hour Zoom meeting.
Rate: $300
Email for availability or a FREE 30-min general get-to-know-me consultation: info@empowercollegeconsulting.com
Application Packages
There are two package options:
The comprehensive package starts during junior year and continues through National Decision Day on May 1st of senior year. Every student and every story is unique. I’ll help your student tell it! With a comprehensive package, I don’t track hours, so your teen gets the attention I gave to my children. Parents are involved in big decisions and receive regular progress emails. You enjoy peace of mind knowing that the application process is under control.
Coming Soon! A 12-module course where you guide your student using my tools! We meet at key points in the process to check your progress while you and your teen transition from confusion to a well-balanced college list, edited activities, essays brainstormed, and a strategy and timeline for submitting all the applications. This course does not include essay editing fall of senior year, but it offers a discount on an optional hourly editing package.
Both options include access to my online management system, which includes a robust college research database and progress tracking.
2/24 Update: The class of ’25 is full for Comprehensive packages.
Pricing is being updated and will be posted when the online course launches in Spring 2024. Thanks for understanding!